It’s a game where you’re tossed into a fantasy world, and from there, you’re actively trying to level up. Zenith: The Last City acts like your typical MMORPG. Players will be stepping into the role of a newly re-emerged human as you attempt to uncover the mystery behind the sudden disappearance. No one knows what happened to the human race, but suddenly the world of Palia finds humans returning. In this world, magic thrives, but the human species had disappeared thousands of years ago. Palia is an upcoming title that puts players into a high fantasy world. Regardless, even if it doesn’t launch in 2022, we’re hopeful that some new marketing materials will arrive before the year wraps. With the developers pushing out Crimson Desert, we’re likely not going to see Plan 8 arrive until sometime after. Unfortunately, we’re still waiting on information to come out, and it might not be a game that even launches in 2022. This looks to be an exosuit MMO where humanity is fighting for their survival against a new mechanical enemy. Unfortunately, information has been rather scarce. A game we’ve known about for a couple of years now is Plan 8, and it had quite a few fans eager on its release. These are the folks behind Black Desert and their new upcoming standalone MMORPG, Crimson Desert.

Plan 8 is a game coming from Pearl Abyss. So instead, think of this as just a collection of anticipated releases of the year. Rankings are always opinionated, and these games can easily shift around during the year. However, don’t look too much into the ranking of these games.

In this list, we’re going to highlight some of the best games we think you should check into for this calendar year. Those of you interested in MMO or MMORPG releases will find plenty to get anticipated about this year.